Microsoft started rolling out its new Office UI

With the launch of Windows 11, this year Microsoft is rebuilding its UI experience including Office 365. With the start of this week, Microsoft has started the distribution of its new Office UI. The update of the UI is announced by Microsoft this year and the test is now available for all users this week. The main purpose of this new office UI update is the match its experience with the n new update of window 11.

The main changes that have been made are the new rounded design of all its components including the title bar buttons and all other tools look. The new look of Office now comes with a dark theme that matches with the theme working on the user window. For those who want to work with the previous look, Microsoft says it will be available with a toggle coming soon on top so all users can work easily on both old and new office UI.

This new office UI update is available to all window 11 users automatically and available for all users to update. There is also a button in which Microsoft listed the new upcoming features and the most important look to me is the real-time work sharing that will be available in the upcoming updates

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